2022 PDD Volunteer Agreement
Pas de Deux Dance Photography, LLC (PDD) appreciates the service that you are providing by volunteering your time and resources to benefit attendees and dancer models of the 2022 conference. Participation as a volunteer requires individuals who are dedicated to providing a friendly and inclusive community and connecting photographers and dancers with professional development. In order to participate in this annual conference, all volunteers must review and support this agreement.
As a volunteer for the PDD you must review the volunteer requirements below. By completing the PDD Volunteer Agreement you acknowledge that you understand the following and agree to:
Be prompt at all meetings and assignments
Maintain proper dress and good grooming in all occasions
Demonstrate high standards of moral character and conduct
Avoid participation in and actively discourage any conversations which belittle or downgrade fellow members, volunteers, officers, and/or adults, or the organization or conference
Speak to all organizational members, presenters, attendees, and exhibitors/sponsors with respect, professionalism, and in a positive manner
Understand that specific people are in charge of various areas and that they may have autonomy to make decisions and give directions and afree to not undermine or surpass their decisions (including, but not limited to the conference directors, volunteer coordinator, Creative Directors and Information center coordinator)
Be willing to take and follow instructions and complete all tasks as directed by those responsible for them (including, but not limited to the conference directors, volunteer coordinator, Creative Directors and Information center coordinator.)
Understand that all PDD staff and volunteers are present to serve the PDD staff, attendees, dancers and presenters
Serve by always maintaining a cooperative attitude and working together with others
Treat all members and fellow volunteers equally and behave in a manner which conveys and commands respect
Prevent and not participate in any discriminatory practices involving race, religion, gender, gender identity, etc. and to report such discrimination to PDD directors
Support PPD’s policy of inclusiveness, diversity, and non-discrimination
Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, vaping, or using illegal drugs while volunteering
Give full focus to events and activities for which you are volunteering
By signing the volunteer sign up page via the link provided below, I understand the requirements of this volunteer agreement and agree to support and abide by the qualifications stated here within. I understand that these are general expectations and this agreement is not limited to additional responsibilities as a volunteer that may arise.